Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just For One Moment ♥

Just For One Moment

by BaddeStIndianVixen

Even if its just for one moment
Embrace me within your Arms
When it gets cold, be there to keep me Warm

Even if its just for one moment
Breathe Life into me
Resurrect me, show me there's still Hope for me

Even if its just for one moment
Touch me, Kiss me, Love me
Reignite the Passion within me
Just whisper sweet nothings into my Ear
Take me away, I don't care Where

Even if its just for one moment
Make me forget, take this Chance
To shower me in a world full of Romance
Hold me even when the Sun Sets
Take me down memory lane to the fist day we Met

Even if its just for one moment
Lets take our Friendship to the next Level
In this moment allow us to lose Ourselves

Even if its just for one moment
I'll trade it all, bring me out of this Loneliness
Surround me with Happiness, even if its just for One Moment...
I Promise You I'll Treasure this Moment...

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